Where it all began
Once long ago stories were part of my childhood siesta. My grandmother would loosen her 9 yards saree; sit comfortably on the floor, with all the grandchildren gathered around her playing ‘Dayakattam and Pallangozhi’ ( Indian board games). This was the usual prelude to stories. And the magic spell would be cast; patti (grandmother) would decode the mythical tales of childhood to us grandchildren; sing songs interspersed with stories and we flew to strange cities, mythical lands, swarga (Heaven) and paathala (Netherworld), where Storytellers gathered like starlings, parliaments of wise fowls, telling stories about stories.
My storytelling is deeply rooted in Indian culture.
Through my work, I keep alive our ancient tradition and convey the voices of the past to the ears of the future. I identify myself as a traditional contemporary storyteller.